Nature Conservation – Methods & Motives

Concepts of nature protection Gaia’s hypothesis: Proposes that all organisms on Earth are integrated to create one system, where self-regulating is used to maintain the conditions for life. The organisms that are a part of this system carry out functions to provide an optimal living environment.  Medea’s hypothesis: Believes that the idea of a superorganismContinue reading “Nature Conservation – Methods & Motives”

Evaluation of Case Studies

Biological Approach Using case studies of brain damage is one of the most common ways to study the brain. Frequently, case studies of brain-damaged patients are carried out longitudinally, to be able to observe both the short-term and long-term effects of damage. Most often case studies holistic in their approach, looking at a range ofContinue reading “Evaluation of Case Studies”

Neuroscience Basics

Our brains are a truly peculiar thing. It is unimaginable how our consciousness, subconscious thoughts, reflexes, and much more work together, 24 hours a day. What is even more amazing is how these complex and undiscovered processes can be boiled down to simple chemical and physical processes in our brain. Our brain is composed ofContinue reading “Neuroscience Basics”

Epigenetic in depression part 2: Weissman et al study

From the series: Epigenetics in depression by Anna DeVault Evaluation of Weissman et al: Aim: To establish the genetic connection of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Sampling pool: Grandparents, their children, and 161 of their grandchildren. The grandparents were found through an outpatient clinic specializing in mood disorders. The sampling pool included high and low riskContinue reading “Epigenetic in depression part 2: Weissman et al study”

Reacting to Stress: What Every IB Student Should Know

From the series: Well-being for IB students by Szymon Lic In this article, I am going to focus on the ways we can control our emotions by taking advantage of how our mind is connected to the brain. It appears possible to control how we react to different stressful situations. Additionally, stress and reward systemsContinue reading “Reacting to Stress: What Every IB Student Should Know”

Localization of function: HM Case Study

Localization of function is the theory that specific parts of the brain are responsible forspecific behaviors or cognitive processes. Some parts of our brain do play certain functions in behavior, but it is rare for a part of the brain to work separately. An example would be in memory research, where psychologists are arguing thatContinue reading “Localization of function: HM Case Study”

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