The Asch Paradigm

At the heart of a sociocultural approach to behaviour, sociocultural psychologists attempt to explain how interactions between people influence how they think and behave. One of the most prominent topics related to the influence of society on an individual is associated with conformity that can be described as: compliance with rules, standards, and laws theContinue reading “The Asch Paradigm”

Nature Conservation: Greenpeace

Continuing with our nature conservation theme and gearing up for Earth day, we have decided to spotlight one nature conservation non-for-profit. That non-for-profit is Greenpeace. What is Greenpeace? Greenpeace was founded by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, environmental activists, in 1971. The main goal of this organization is to ” ensure the ability of theContinue reading “Nature Conservation: Greenpeace”

The Working Memory Model (Essay)

The working memory model was proposed by Baddely and Hitch as a model of memory based on the multi-store memory model. Baddely and Hitch proposed that there be separate stores of short-term memory (STM) for visual information and auditory information. The following essay will look at the KF case study and research by Laundry andContinue reading “The Working Memory Model (Essay)”

Blood cells, groups and transfusions

Red Blood Cells: Red blood cells primarily carry oxygen and collect carbon dioxide and have a lifetime of about 120 days. They have the job alongside the white blood cells of protecting the healthy cells.RBCs are formed in the red bone marrow in the adults. After the completion of their lifespan, they are destroyed inContinue reading “Blood cells, groups and transfusions”

Roles of muscles in joint movements

Different muscles in the body are used in various ways in order to allow joint movement. The roles they play in the movement depend on the type of movement, the type of the particular muscle that is used, and the position of the muscles in relation to the joint and the type of contraction. Below,Continue reading “Roles of muscles in joint movements”

Cellular respiration

Today I would like to outline cellular respiration, starting from its definition. Cellular respiration is a controlled release of chemical energy from organic compounds (primarily glucose) to produce ATP, which is the immediate energy currency of any living cell.  This chemical pathway always starts with an anaerobic process in the cytoplasm called glycolysis, assuming theContinue reading “Cellular respiration”

Adaptive Decision Maker Framework

Today I would like to describe one example of the micro-level decision-making model, which can be used to analyze multi-attributes, multi-alternative cases: the adaptive decision-maker framework. The adaptive decision-maker framework was proposed by Payne, Bettman, and Johnson in 1993. As it is an example of a micro-level decision-making model, it directly focuses on the decision-makingContinue reading “Adaptive Decision Maker Framework”

Effect of emotion on the memory encoding and flashbulb memory phenomena

Cognitive psychology researchers describe memory as a process that is dependant on multiple factors- our memory can be altered and, or distorted. This can occur due to our schematic perception of the world – our previous experience might cause us to feel prejudice in assessing a certain event and in turn distort the memory, whichContinue reading “Effect of emotion on the memory encoding and flashbulb memory phenomena”

Measuring Muscle Activation with EMG

Monitoring the electrical contraction of motor units is helpful to assess the timing and force of muscle contraction and muscle fatigue. This is carried out using electromyography (/EMG). Electromyography measures the muscle’s response or electrical activity in response to a nerve’s stimulation of the muscle. It is often used to detect potential neuromuscular abnormalities. DuringContinue reading “Measuring Muscle Activation with EMG”

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