Explain one study related to schema theory: Bartlett, Brewer and Treyans

Schema theory is used by cognitive psychologists to explain how we make decisions based on past experiences. A schema is a mental representation that is based on previous experiences and knowledge. As people learn and come across new information our schemas change to assimilate the new information. Schema theory is based on the assumption thatContinue reading “Explain one study related to schema theory: Bartlett, Brewer and Treyans”

Rodgers and Kesner, 2003

Abstract of original experiment: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14521875/ Background Information: In 2003, Rogers and Kesner conducted a laboratory experiment to determine the role of acetylcholine in memory formation. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is in charge of the consolidation of memory in the hippocampus. There is a high concentration of acetylcholine receptor sites in the hippocampus and thatContinue reading “Rodgers and Kesner, 2003”

Reliability of Cognitive Processes – Memory

Memory has been thought to be reconstructive. This means that psychologists believe it can be changed. Bartlett first suggested that memory can be reconstructive when he proposed schema theory and that people change memories to be more aligned to their cultural background and previous experience. Several studies have been done to explore the concept ofContinue reading “Reliability of Cognitive Processes – Memory”


To analyze the forces and motion regarding our bodies and different objects in everyday life we use Newton’s 3 laws of motion. They were first formulated by an english mathematician and physicist Sir Isac Newton, in the 18th century. The laws relate the motion of an object to the forces acting on it. First Law:Continue reading “NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION and the Body”

Introduction to the Sociocultural Approach

There are several important assumptions when it comes to the sociocultural approach, these assumptions may include the social context. The context should always be taken into consideration in order to understand human behaviour. It is essential to remember that humans naturally attempt to belong to something or somewhere. An example of such places are forContinue reading “Introduction to the Sociocultural Approach”

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