
Neurotransmission is how neurons communicate with each other in order to pass on messages to the brain. Energy in the form of action potential excites the neuron causing it to release neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap, which is the gap between two neurons. The neurotransmitter binds to the terminal buttons on the postsynaptic neuron toContinue reading “Neurotransmission”

SAQ Practice: Explain one study of rational thinking

Tversky and Kahneman (1974) is one study that examines the dual process model. The dual process model says that we have two systems – system 1 and system 2. System 1 is known for being much quicker, but not always accurate. One example would be going to the grocery store and buying the same juiceContinue reading “SAQ Practice: Explain one study of rational thinking”

A short introduction to stereotypes

To start it is necessary to define what are stereotypes. Stereotypes are explained as social perceptions of certain people in connection with physical attributes or group membership. In psychological research, stereotypes occurred to be the result of schema processing. While individuals are using stereotypes they often generalize certain ideas about some group, race, community, theyContinue reading “A short introduction to stereotypes”

Neuromuscular Function Notes

CNS – central nervous system: brain + spinal cord Afferent neurons – carry sensory information from receptors Efferent system – the motor neurons that carry information to the muscles. There are 200,000 Motoneurons. Interneurons – link the afferent neurons to Motoneurons Structure of neurons: – soma (cell body) – within the spinal cord or inContinue reading “Neuromuscular Function Notes”

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