SEHS: The heart & blood

The Cardiovascular System Part 1 Blood – A specialized type of connective tissue; – Contents: Erythrocytes 44% – red blood cells – make up 98.5% of the formed elements in the blood. Leukocytes – white blood cells Platelets – create a meshwork of fibers to help with clotting Plasma – 55% colorless fluid that containsContinue reading “SEHS: The heart & blood”

SEHS Notes: Chapter 2 – Ventilation (part 1)

Ventilation system: Nasal cavity – warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system. Pharynx – connects nasal cavity to trachea (gardło) Larynx – produces sound for communication, vocal cords, protects the trachea from invasion of foods and fluids. Trachea – tube surrounded by cartilage rings, allows air to pass from the pharynx into lungs.Continue reading “SEHS Notes: Chapter 2 – Ventilation (part 1)”

Social identification theory

“Social Identity Theory (SIT) argues that a person has not just one ‘personal self’, but rather several social selves that correspond to group membership.” Within the society we need to belong to as group, as it is important for us humans to understand who we are, at times being in a certain group membership helpsContinue reading “Social identification theory”

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