Schema Theory (Essay)

Before delving into the nitty and gritty parts of Schema Theory there are certain aspects that need to be discussed to have a deeper and well rounded perception of the topic. It is important to understand that;“Schemas are mental representations that are derived from prior experience and knowledge”.“Cognitive Schemas can be seen as specific knowledgeContinue reading “Schema Theory (Essay)”

Psychology SAQ Practice (Nov. 2020)

Describe one twin or kinship study: A kinship study is a study that looks at family members and their genetic similarities to try and determine a cause of a specific disease or condition. One such study was carried out by Weissman to investigate major depressive disorder, MDD. Weissman and colleagues carried out a prospective andContinue reading “Psychology SAQ Practice (Nov. 2020)”

Effect of hormones on human behavior

Hormones are chemicals that are excreted from the endocrine glands and affect human behavior. They are not the same as neurotransmitters as hormones are released directly into the bloodstream and take longer to cause a reaction. Hormones work by binding to a target cell and then increasing or decreasing the reaction of that target cell.Continue reading “Effect of hormones on human behavior”

Effect of emotion on decision making

An essay looking into the psychological studies carried out by De martino and Bachara The dual processing model is one used to explain thinking and decision making. It is comprised of system 1 – a fast more intuitive way of thinking, and system 2 – a slower, more rational way of thinking. However, neither systemsContinue reading “Effect of emotion on decision making”

The Pulmonary Circuit (SEHS Notes)

Pulmonary circulation – carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs and returns oxygenated blood back to the heart. Systemic – carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the body and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Cardiac output – (the amount of blood pumped from the heart in one minute, measuredContinue reading “The Pulmonary Circuit (SEHS Notes)”

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