SEHS Notes: Feedback in Sports

Feedback is the result, in the form of information, of one’s action or response to a certain action or event. There are two types of feedback: intrinsic or extrinsic feedback. Intrinsic feedback appears in the form of physical feel of the movement. Whereas the extrinsic feedback is given to someone, for instance a coach orContinue reading “SEHS Notes: Feedback in Sports”

The Characters and Classification of Skill

Skill is the consistent action of goal oriented movements specific to the task, which is learned. Skill can be defined by the purpose and goal of your action, and through practice.A characteristic of skill is that through using skill one can achieve the desired end result,meaning skill is goal-oriented. It meets performance goals with maximumContinue reading “The Characters and Classification of Skill”

Psychological Treatment of OCD

One of the ways OCD may be treated is through psychological treatments such as Exposure response prevention therapy and cognitive bias modification therapy. Exposure-response therapy is based on fear hierarchies – patients rank their fears from the least scary fear to the scariest one. The patients then work with psychologists to expose themselves to theseContinue reading “Psychological Treatment of OCD”

Gender Bias in the Diagnosis of Depression

There are many possible clinical biases that can be seen in psychological research including confirmation biases, researcher bias, and gender bias. This essay will discuss the research on the role of gender bias in the diagnosis of depression, since more women are diagnosed with depression than men, and it is possible that it is simplyContinue reading “Gender Bias in the Diagnosis of Depression”

Validity and Reliability in Abnormal Psychology

There are two important factors when it comes to diagnosing psychological disorders: validity and reliability. Validity may be defined as identifying the symptoms of a disorder in such a manner that it leads to an effective treatment of the disorder. It is important to note that this did not necessarily mean that the disorder wasContinue reading “Validity and Reliability in Abnormal Psychology”

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